Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Sunday, September 23, 2012
So yeah, Dragon*Con came and went. I didn't meat my weight goal at all, but my sugar was good the entire con so I am counting that as a win. I have been kinda backsliding since the con though and I am about to start ramping it back up. A ton of stuff has happened since con that has had me all side tracked, visitors, school started back and worst, my 17 year old cat died. :(
Saturday, August 11, 2012
Friday, August 10, 2012
Go Meat!
So I made some vegetarian chili. When I made it I used Yves Veggie Ground Round. I have used this product a great deal in the past when we had a veggie room mate. I haven't eaten it in about a decade though. Anyways, I knew it worked good in chili so I made some. Last night I ate a fairly good sized bowl of it over some brown rice.
About two hours later I started feeling some intestinal distress if you get what I mean and had to dart down the hallway to the potty. It happened again about 20 minutes later and the again about 20 minutes after that so I knew something was up. I tried to figure out what was causing the problem so I looked up the ingredients of the veggie ground round. First ingredient, wheat protein aka gluten.
When I got up this morning my entire body ached. I took some Advil and soldiered on. It took half the day before my intestinal problems cleared up. I learned my lesson. I am not supposed to be a vegetarian. I had completely forgotten that a fair amount of veggie alternatives get there protein for wheat gluten. I am not making that mistake again, next time, all meat!
I also have noticed that the longer I go without any products with gluten the worse the reaction is when I do eat some. Also my blood sugar was high this morning, 157. It hasn't been that high in forever. I am not sure if the two are connected though. I hadn't been a full 8 hours and tested at about 6 hours after I ate because I woke up early and couldn't get back to sleep.
About two hours later I started feeling some intestinal distress if you get what I mean and had to dart down the hallway to the potty. It happened again about 20 minutes later and the again about 20 minutes after that so I knew something was up. I tried to figure out what was causing the problem so I looked up the ingredients of the veggie ground round. First ingredient, wheat protein aka gluten.
When I got up this morning my entire body ached. I took some Advil and soldiered on. It took half the day before my intestinal problems cleared up. I learned my lesson. I am not supposed to be a vegetarian. I had completely forgotten that a fair amount of veggie alternatives get there protein for wheat gluten. I am not making that mistake again, next time, all meat!
I also have noticed that the longer I go without any products with gluten the worse the reaction is when I do eat some. Also my blood sugar was high this morning, 157. It hasn't been that high in forever. I am not sure if the two are connected though. I hadn't been a full 8 hours and tested at about 6 hours after I ate because I woke up early and couldn't get back to sleep.
Thursday, August 9, 2012
Tried a new pasta
When I was at Walmart the other day I decided to check and just see if they had any gluten free pasta. They did and I got and tried this last night. It was pretty good. My sugar was 102 this morning despite having eaten a pretty good sized bowl of it. The texture is good. I forgot to see what it was made of though. It looks more like regular pasta color wise. The brown rice pasta I got at Trader Joe's was darker in color. They also had regular spaghetti, I am going to try that next. I didn't like the texture of the spaghetti I got at TJ's. It came out very gummy. But this wasn't gummy at all, and I didn't rinse it when I strained it either. This costs more than at TJ's, their rice pasta is 1.99 a bag and I think it has more in it.
*edit* Upon examining the photo after posting this, I see that it is corn and rice blend. Has a better texture. I am not sure of the fiber content though.
Eat your fruit!!
Today I am having a banana, at least one clementine and probably some fresh cherries that are presently sitting in my fridge calling my name.
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
244.2 Ugh.
Got on the scale this morning. It said 244.2, when will I EVER get out of the 240s? I am trying very hard to be good. My work schedule is very messed up for the next two weeks because the other guy that does my job is on vacation until the 22nd. I need to be sure and set everything up in advance because I am going to have no time to do things on days I work and it would be too easy to stray.
The blood sugar thing is doing pretty good considering this is the 2nd week I have been without my Glipizide. That is the med the Doctor reduced, but since I have been too broke to pick up the refill I have been forced to do without. My sugar was 132 this AM though. It has not been above 135 any time that I have checked it, even without that med, so that makes me happy. I should be able to get it on Monday though. I haven't had a low blood sugar moment since I went off of it either so that makes me VERY happy, I was hating those and they were almost daily.
The one bright spot about all this vacation coverage is I have 3 days off next week during the slow days because they need me much worse on the busy days which are the weekend. I feel like grilling out. We haven't grilled out all month because of the afternoon/evening rain storms but dang it, I wants me some char!
The blood sugar thing is doing pretty good considering this is the 2nd week I have been without my Glipizide. That is the med the Doctor reduced, but since I have been too broke to pick up the refill I have been forced to do without. My sugar was 132 this AM though. It has not been above 135 any time that I have checked it, even without that med, so that makes me happy. I should be able to get it on Monday though. I haven't had a low blood sugar moment since I went off of it either so that makes me VERY happy, I was hating those and they were almost daily.
The one bright spot about all this vacation coverage is I have 3 days off next week during the slow days because they need me much worse on the busy days which are the weekend. I feel like grilling out. We haven't grilled out all month because of the afternoon/evening rain storms but dang it, I wants me some char!
Monday, August 6, 2012
So I ate wheat last night and boy can I ever tell it. I couldn't resist those wonderful garlic rolls all drowned out in garlic butter. It was a birthday. Five hours later I could feel it in my knees when I got up off the sofa. Today I ache all over my body, even my elbow joints hurt. I won't be doing that again. Blood sugar was 92 this morning though. I even ate chocolate last night too. The weight is STILL stuck firmly in the mid 240's. I want to be in the 230's by Dragon Con dang it! I got another birthday gig tonight but after that I am going to be super strict with myself. I want to make my DC goal!
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
Finally got the call from the doctor's office!
She told me to reduce my Glipizide XL to one dosage of 10mg in the morning, down from two a day. I am flat broke right now and actually ran out of that med and can't afford to pick them up yet so I am really down to my Janumet twice a day. I had nachos for dinner with corn chips and some sugar free jello for dessert. Later on I ate some hard candies, about 6 or 7 of them I think. This morning my blood sugar was 128. Holy crap, I think I could do with out that med altogether! I will call the doctor's office on Monday and let them know how it is going, but so far so good!
Sunday, July 29, 2012
My blood sugar has been wonderful. When I left the Doctor's office last Monday she said that she would probably be changing my medication depending on my blood work. The level of meds I'm on right now is what was prescribed back when my A1C was like 12 or 13. It is 5.6 now and every other day I have a low blood sugar moment because of it and it is starting to make me crazy. I didn't see my regular doc because she is moving practices and they have subs in right now. They have a different one every day. I have made about 20 calls at least since my blood work came back in an attempt to get my meds adjusted. 90% of my calls end up routing me to the radiology voice mail. When I finally do get to talk to somebody, I keep getting they will talk to the doctor who is in and call me back or they left a note for the doctor and when as soon as they get to it I will get a call back. Everyday, nobody calls back. In the mean time, I eat dinner, 2 hours later my blood sugar is at 71 when it should be somewhere around 160 2 hours after a meal. Almost every day I have to eat more carbs and snack here and there just to keep from flacking out. I am to the point where I am actually afraid to try to do any exercise. In the last week I have had low blood sugar moments 4 times, 2 while I was sitting at the computer and 2 while I was watching tv. I am not doing anything to cause my sugar to drop. I am positive it is because of the dosage of meds I am on.
I have been stuck at the same weight for almost a month and I want/need to exercise if I am going to break out of this plateau. No exercise and extra calories to fix my sugars is NOT helping me on my journey.
I am SO FRUSTRATED right now!!
I have been stuck at the same weight for almost a month and I want/need to exercise if I am going to break out of this plateau. No exercise and extra calories to fix my sugars is NOT helping me on my journey.
I am SO FRUSTRATED right now!!
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
Got my blood work back!!
A1C - 5.6 (normal range)
Total Cholesterol - 129
HDL - 34
LDL - 59
Triglycerides - 179
Liver Enzymes - 20 and 24 (optimal range)
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
Snacking for diabetics 101
That is a nectarine and light string cheese, an orange and an egg and then an apple and more string cheese. I go for a carb and a protein about every three hours or so. These are the ones I brought to work today. You can pic more exotic fruits and cheeses, but these are quick and easy to toss into my lunch kit. If I was at home I would make it something fancier for sure as to make the foodie in me happy. Maybe some smoked Gouda and red grapes or some herbed goat cheese on crisp apple slices instead of crackers for example.
Blood work yesterday
Had my Doctors visit yesterday. It is time for my blood work. Won't know the results for a couple of days I guess. Everything should show some improvement. *fingers crossed*
Sunday, July 22, 2012
I need this and I mean right NOW!
and it needs to come with these......
and it needs to last a week and I am not even joking one little bit.
Friday, July 20, 2012
Cheat Day Yesterday
We took a cheat day yesterday. Since I have been cutting out the gluten I wanted someplace where I could have pasta but not wheat so we went and got Thai food. It was so great. What we do is only get one entree and split it so that you only get half the bad stuff. We also got coconut soup which I adore and my sugar has been so good here of late I splurged and got a Thai Tea, something I haven't had in so so long. Back to the grind stone again today. Just checked my sugar about an hour ago, it was 89. Yay. Now if I could just manage to skid of this mini plateau! We got one order of Pad Thai and split it, one large soup and split that and one order of spring rolls and split those too, I just used the spicy sauce and not the sweet sauce they gave me.
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
113 today
My blood sugar was 113 this morning. I am not sure how much I weigh as I am holding off until Friday for that. I don't feel like I have lost any weight though, but here is hoping for a pleasant surprise. :)
1/2 Cup of brown rice and an egg
Since I am not eating bread and am eating brown rice much more instead there are only so many things you can do. Just eating a half cup of rice and an egg seems like it could get boring real quick, but honestly I am always coming up with new ideas to keep it fun and interesting and yummy. I have already posted my egg sushi, still eat that several times a week and still love it. The last two days I came up with another 2 breakfasts but really these could also be dinner.
First is Omurice. This is basically a rice omelet that is very popular in Japan. They can be as simple as just eggs, rice and ketchup. I used some of the fixings I have for okonomiyaki already in the house. I seasoned the rice with a small amount of okonomiyaki sauce and a rice seasoning packet that has seaweed bits and salmon bits and sesame seeds,I put some chopped chives from my patio garden in the egg. I cooked it in the largest skillet we have so the egg would be as thin as possible then put the rice on the right hand side of the pan and rolled the egg up towards it in about 3 moves until the rice was covered and then topped it with the same stuff I put on the top of okonomiyai.
343 cal, 30 Carb, 15gm fat
The second egg dish is Huevos Rancheros. I made this with canned re-fried black beans that I spruced up with onions, garlic, ground cumin and chili powder, brown rice that I put some chopped chives and cilantro from my garden in along with a small amount of olive oil and salt and pepper. I put them on the plate side by side and spooned out two tablespoons of chipotle salsa on top of where they met and sat an over easy egg on top and then sprinkled the entire thing with goat cheese crumbles. The earthy flavors of the chipotle peppers and goat cheese really brought this dish together.
367 cal, 43gm carb, 12gm fat
Both of these were very filling but could easily have been made more by adding a salad on the side with dressing that comes in the spray bottle which would only add about 30 more calories to the meal.
First is Omurice. This is basically a rice omelet that is very popular in Japan. They can be as simple as just eggs, rice and ketchup. I used some of the fixings I have for okonomiyaki already in the house. I seasoned the rice with a small amount of okonomiyaki sauce and a rice seasoning packet that has seaweed bits and salmon bits and sesame seeds,I put some chopped chives from my patio garden in the egg. I cooked it in the largest skillet we have so the egg would be as thin as possible then put the rice on the right hand side of the pan and rolled the egg up towards it in about 3 moves until the rice was covered and then topped it with the same stuff I put on the top of okonomiyai.
343 cal, 30 Carb, 15gm fat
The second egg dish is Huevos Rancheros. I made this with canned re-fried black beans that I spruced up with onions, garlic, ground cumin and chili powder, brown rice that I put some chopped chives and cilantro from my garden in along with a small amount of olive oil and salt and pepper. I put them on the plate side by side and spooned out two tablespoons of chipotle salsa on top of where they met and sat an over easy egg on top and then sprinkled the entire thing with goat cheese crumbles. The earthy flavors of the chipotle peppers and goat cheese really brought this dish together.
367 cal, 43gm carb, 12gm fat
Both of these were very filling but could easily have been made more by adding a salad on the side with dressing that comes in the spray bottle which would only add about 30 more calories to the meal.
Sunday, July 15, 2012
Get Out!
Here is a tip: don't bring junk into your house or you will eat the crap out of it. I know this because I had decided that we could buy some semi bad snacks, such as Baked Lays or Cheetos and then just eat them sparingly. Yeah right. That was fail. If it is in the house I am too stupid not to default to it and ignore the good stuff. Old habits are hard to break. So yesterday we stocked up on fresh fruit and veggies, take that chips and crackers!!
In other news, that orange I just finished was freaking awesome! I have noticed that while I have always liked fruit, for some reason these days I am digging the hell out of it. I think my taste for it has changed or something. Before I liked watermelon but now I LOVE the stuff. Craziness.
In other other news, I made a hummus wrap with a sheet of nori instead of a tortilla, it was pretty damn good!
In other news, that orange I just finished was freaking awesome! I have noticed that while I have always liked fruit, for some reason these days I am digging the hell out of it. I think my taste for it has changed or something. Before I liked watermelon but now I LOVE the stuff. Craziness.
In other other news, I made a hummus wrap with a sheet of nori instead of a tortilla, it was pretty damn good!
Friday, July 13, 2012
Going Gluten Free
Yesterday was my first day of on purpose gluten free. I went to Trader Joes and grabbed a few things. They have some cereal and some different kinds of pasta I want to try. I also had the most wonderful chocolate bar ever. It was 70% cacao with caramel and black sea salt from Hawaii. TO DIE FOR!! Can't have that kind of thing often, and I shared it with Geena but when I have something like that, I want to go all out. And it was divine :D
My sugar was 138 this morning,not because of that candy bar though. I ate two other carb snacks and no protein with it just before bed. That always happens when I do that, but still 138 is not really high for somebody with type 2 diabetes. I was 244.8 on the scale today. Not gonna weigh again until about Monday or so. I want to be back under 240 by the end of next week. That is my goal. My next goal after that is to be below 230 by Dragon*Con. The next goal after that is to be below 200 by Xmas.
My sugar was 138 this morning,not because of that candy bar though. I ate two other carb snacks and no protein with it just before bed. That always happens when I do that, but still 138 is not really high for somebody with type 2 diabetes. I was 244.8 on the scale today. Not gonna weigh again until about Monday or so. I want to be back under 240 by the end of next week. That is my goal. My next goal after that is to be below 230 by Dragon*Con. The next goal after that is to be below 200 by Xmas.
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
Egg Sushi for breakfast at work
Instead of rolling it and eating it I always just throw all the ingredients in my lunch kit and roll it at work. I keep a bottle of soy sauce on my desk for just such an emergency!
Pic 1 is the nori (seaweed) sheet with brown rice, a boiled egg, soy sauce and some furikake (rice seasoning that has sesame seeds and other things to flavor rice) laid out and waiting to be rolled up!
Next the sides are folded in and it is ready to roll up
Pic 1 is the nori (seaweed) sheet with brown rice, a boiled egg, soy sauce and some furikake (rice seasoning that has sesame seeds and other things to flavor rice) laid out and waiting to be rolled up!
Next the sides are folded in and it is ready to roll up
Aqua Woman!
<------Ok, so apparently this is me. I couldn't help it, I ended up going to pee so many times yesterday at work that I couldn't help but get on the scale when I got home just to see. It said 245. So yeah, I peed out 3 pounds of water yesterday. I figured that was what the problem was. So what the heck? Does wheat make me retain water? Is that even possible? Is that even a thing that can happen if you are gluten intolerant? Whatever the case, it makes me feel better and helps me to understand just how much I can't eat the bread products anymore. My sugar was 111 today so that was rocking.
* Later Edit * - Ok I just read 3 different articles online at Livestrong.com about wheat gluten intolerance and how it causes inflammation, joint pain and fluid retention. I also read an article that talked about gluten and diabetics that said it is very common for people with diabetes to be gluten intolerant, which makes sense because when you are gluten intolerant your body doesn't process the proteins in gluten and that is what is causing the problems with gluten in the first place. Everything makes a bit more sense now. I will be avoiding it like the plague now.
* Later Edit * - Ok I just read 3 different articles online at Livestrong.com about wheat gluten intolerance and how it causes inflammation, joint pain and fluid retention. I also read an article that talked about gluten and diabetics that said it is very common for people with diabetes to be gluten intolerant, which makes sense because when you are gluten intolerant your body doesn't process the proteins in gluten and that is what is causing the problems with gluten in the first place. Everything makes a bit more sense now. I will be avoiding it like the plague now.
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
Oops, indeed.
So yeah, I got on the scale today. 248.2, my sugar was 141 this morning, which actually surprised me considering how bad I have eaten in the last 2 weeks. Things have calmed down somewhat as far as stress goes, but the situation that caused that is still underlying so I don't know what I will do but my eating got way out of control and even though I tried to have it not happen it was almost like it was doing it on it's own, which I know that it wasn't, I was just allowing all that to happen. I really dropped the ball. I didn't do any of the weekly prep work that I usually do and that makes it very easy to default to the bad. I did all my prep work last night so most of the week is set up already.
I am really hoping that most of that weight gain is liquid. I do feel more swollen and inflamed. When I get up off the sofa or out of my desk chair, the first few steps make my legs ache. My legs ache when I go to bed. That wasn't happening even just 3 weeks ago. I also have been eating wheat products and I am now firmly convinced that I have a wheat issue. Even with whole wheat. I have decided to just cut it out of my diet as much as I possibly can. I might try some gluten free products to see if there is a difference, but not for a while.
I have also decided not to weigh myself again until Friday in an effort to see how much drops off between now and then. If I lose like 5 pounds then I will know that I have gained water weight and not actual fat weight. Even though I have not been sticking by the diet 100% I haven't been going crazy so I am positive that I haven't eaten 10,500 extra calories in the last two weeks and that is the extra calories I would have needed to eat to gain that much weight back.
Anyways, nose, meet grindstone.
I am really hoping that most of that weight gain is liquid. I do feel more swollen and inflamed. When I get up off the sofa or out of my desk chair, the first few steps make my legs ache. My legs ache when I go to bed. That wasn't happening even just 3 weeks ago. I also have been eating wheat products and I am now firmly convinced that I have a wheat issue. Even with whole wheat. I have decided to just cut it out of my diet as much as I possibly can. I might try some gluten free products to see if there is a difference, but not for a while.
I have also decided not to weigh myself again until Friday in an effort to see how much drops off between now and then. If I lose like 5 pounds then I will know that I have gained water weight and not actual fat weight. Even though I have not been sticking by the diet 100% I haven't been going crazy so I am positive that I haven't eaten 10,500 extra calories in the last two weeks and that is the extra calories I would have needed to eat to gain that much weight back.
Anyways, nose, meet grindstone.
Monday, July 9, 2012
I have had a very stressful past couple of weeks. My partner has been out of work and that and a couple of other things have just sent me on a spiral. I have been eating my Xanax like candy and I usually don't take them even once a week. My eating patterns have been all over the place and I am very afraid to get on the scale. In fact I have avoided it for about the past 4 or 5 days. That is never a good sign. I am trying to grab hold of the wheel and yank this car back on the road. I'm nervous.
Friday, July 6, 2012
Legs and back are stiff and sore....
We have a couple of DDR (Dance Dance Revolution) machines at work. They are pretty great for exercise. I remember reading a few stories online a couple of years ago about people who had used the game as part of their exercise routine to lose weight.
I really like it because it is a game you kinda forget you are exercising even though it makes your heart go pitter pat. Yesterday afternoon I played for about 20 minutes, which is about 9 songs and today my body is yelling at me. Must have done some good. :D
I really like it because it is a game you kinda forget you are exercising even though it makes your heart go pitter pat. Yesterday afternoon I played for about 20 minutes, which is about 9 songs and today my body is yelling at me. Must have done some good. :D
Monday, July 2, 2012
Back Fat
One of my biggest hates is how the fat grows and hangs on my back. It has always done this. I remember in the Army a Sgt asked me did I lift weights because my lats made me look like a football player. Those were not lats,that was my back fat, even then.
The pic on the left was taken a couple of years ago. The pick on the right is was taken this AM. Still fat, but much smaller. Happy.
This is the difference that 45 lbs makes
This pic on the right was taken over the weekend when we had friends over for a BBQ. I didn't even know this was taken. I can see that I have lost. Same basic body shape, just taking up less air space. 45 more and I will look like a stick, no?
The shorts I was wearing in the pic on the left are 2 sizes larger than the ones on the right and I need a belt now to keep them on.
Also, I am in desperate need of a hair cut.
Friday, June 29, 2012
This just in....
All my bras are too small now. Even the small ones. I don't really have the money to buy new ones, esp. if I am only going to use them long enough shrink out of them too. So until further notice, I'm sagging. That is all.
Junk food Vs Real food
The argument has been made that it is cheaper to buy junk food than to go to the store and buy real food. The graphic below is meant to illustrate that it isn't really cheaper to buy fast food than to buy and prepare real food. Even if you bought the entire meal for 4 off the dollar menu, it still wouldn't be cheaper than buying and preparing the real food. It would only be lazier. So I think the real case people are trying to make is that they are too lazy to buy and cook real food.
Click for a larger image
Click for a larger image
Low Glycemic is the way to go.
Here is a good list of low glycemic foods. I find that I eat most of these and they are mostly just regular every day foods.
Low Glycemic Shopping List
108 yesterday
I was out of strips this morning, I got some this afternoon so I will know my sugar in the morning. It was 108 yesterday morning. My weight was 242.3 today. It has not been back under 239 since the morning of the cheat meal at Eclipse Di Luna. Even though I saved up all my calories and didn't go that far over my weight went up and that was 4 days ago and it has barely come back down. I have learned my lesson about saving calories and spending them all on one meal. I have been good with the diet all week and have been spreading meals and snacks out and have lost back a couple of pounds, but I will NEVER eat all my calories for the day at one sitting again. I have a barbeque tomorrow. I have planned ahead on what to eat and won't be going outside my plan and will be spreading my food out to the regular 100 calories or so every 2 hours. This gaining weight back is BS.
I have also figured out that I am gonna hit a mini plateau about every 5 pounds. Every time I break past one I think I have made progress and then in just a few pounds I flattens out again. My plan is to just except this and keep on trucking.
I have also figured out that I am gonna hit a mini plateau about every 5 pounds. Every time I break past one I think I have made progress and then in just a few pounds I flattens out again. My plan is to just except this and keep on trucking.
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
138 this AM
I ran out of 3 of my meds for my diabetes so I only had one pill of one med yesterday and that is all I took for the whole day. When I got up today my sugar was at 138, I impress myself. That ain't bad for being basically med free :)
The scale is still being mean to me today though. It said 243. I know that I haven't eaten enough calories to gain that in the last three days, so I know it is not real. Also I haven't had a real potty break if you get my meaning, in about two days so I am going to wait on that and see.
I have decided that my new goal for August 1st will be to be under 235lbs.
The scale is still being mean to me today though. It said 243. I know that I haven't eaten enough calories to gain that in the last three days, so I know it is not real. Also I haven't had a real potty break if you get my meaning, in about two days so I am going to wait on that and see.
I have decided that my new goal for August 1st will be to be under 235lbs.
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Garden Update

Here's some pics:




Tomatoes and Peppers

Tomatoes and Squash

Tomatoes and Lettuce

Baby Peppers!

Alice's Restaurant
Here are some photos I took.

This is the food I ate. As I said I tried to watch the carbs. I felt like I ate more than this and was surprised when I totaled it up that I didn't eat more.
Ensalada de Berros- Avocado, Oranges, Almonds and Watercress w/ an Orange Vinaigrette
Pan Catalan - Toasted ciabatta bread topped with tomato, garlic & thyme puree.
Ensalada de Manzana - Arugula, radicchio, granny smith apples, candied walnuts, shaved manchego cheese.
Mejillones con Salsa Verde - P.E.I. Mussels in a spicy salsa verde
Costillas Espanolas - Spanish-style ribs in aged balsamic vinaigrette.
Hongos Fritos - Beer-Battered Button Mushrooms w/ Truffle Ailoi
Pollo a la Parrilla - Grilled Chicken w/ Tomato, Zucchini, & Squash Sofrito, Chickpea & Potato Puree
Meat and Cheese plate with sarrano ham, assorted cheese and marinated olives.
Shrimp and cous cous salad with spicy salsa and citrus.
Sunday, June 24, 2012
I was very bad yesterday, but still.....
Today the nose is firmly placed back onto the grindstone. But still, it makes me happy that I can eat real candy again, just not very often. It is a good trade for me. I am happy to only eat it once in a while as long as it can be something real. I will be cutting down to a smaller popcorn though. I found out that if you get a huge one to share, what do you know, you eat a huge one, esp. when it comes with free refills *face palm*

Saturday, June 23, 2012
Friday, June 22, 2012
Bob Harper's Skinny Rules
1. Drink a full glass of water when you wake up and before every meal. It keeps you hydrated and helps you feel full faster.
2. Eat protein with every meal. (I agree with this, he said that he keeps boiled eggs in his fridge at all times, I had already been doing this. Helps me feel validated in some way. If you always pair a carb and a protein it will help keep your sugars level.)
3. Eat berries and an apple every day. (I have been trying to eat fresh fruit at least twice a day so I think I have this covered. Berries can be pricey but he says that frozen are also fine.)
4. Plan one splurge meal per week. (That one is easy. This has generally been our grilling night so even though it is splurge we try and keep it healthy.)
5. Go to bed hungry. (This one is very hard. I have been doing this already, but do drink a couple of cups of decaf coffee or hot tea, esp. chai, it helps with the hunger.)
6. Don't be fooled by labels. Keep an eye on calories, sodium, fiber and carbs, but the most important thing is to keep the servings size correct. A box of pasta really does have 8 servings per box. Portion distortion is what causes the most problems.
7. No carbs after lunch, (Ouch! I don't do this one, but if I get stuck, I might add it.)
8. Don't set yourself up to fail. Put things you can eat like the berries apples, some proportioned cups of yogurt at eye level in your fridge. Cook turkey meatballs or check ahead of time and have them in the fridge ready to go. (I have been doing this but instead of meatballs I have been making the onigiri. They are a full meal ready to go.)
9. Eat a real breakfast. (I couldn't function if I skipped breakfast so this is no problem for me at all. Besides if you go to bed hungry you WILL wake up hungry so it isn't a problem)
Grilling on Saturday? What you say?!?

I have had some boneless pork ribs in the freezer for quite some time and since we will not be grilling on Monday because we have different plans for Monday night this coming week and we are both off this Saturday I thought it would be great to gill on the weekend for once. The plan is to also grill some peaches when we do the pork. Since I have not been eating any potatoes or bread here of late I have been getting carbs from fruit and I have discovered that I love to grill it with the meat. I would take grilled pineapple over a potato any day when we are grilling. :)
240.8 and 108
Thursday, June 21, 2012
241.6 and 132
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
My blood sugar was 89 this morning :D I still weigh 242. As of today I have 10 days to meet my goal of hitting the 230s by the beginning of next month. Ten days to lose 3 pounds. I think I can do it!!
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
Quality Vs. Quantity
I remember once about 30 years ago now in about 1983 or 84 I was at the grocery store with my mom and in the bakery section, in a freezer case they had some real, New York cheese cakes. They didn't look like anything I had ever seen in a cheese cake before. The small ones where over $8. That was ridiculously expensive for a grocery store cake in Alabama in 1984. They sat there forever and nobody bought them. Then one day I saw that they were clearing them out for half price. Almost $5 was still too high BUT they had one cut up into chunks about an inch square and I picked one up and popped it into my mouth. It was the best cheese cake I have ever eaten before or since. I can honestly say that this one bite has really ruined cheese cake for me because every single time since when I get one I am looking for one that tastes like it and none ever have. I always feel a small amount of disappointment because of this.
I mention that because I would gladly give up all the cheese cake in the world for another bite just like it. The point I am trying to make is that I would much rather have a few bites of something great than a whole plate of not so great, any day. I think that most people get too caught up in the amount but really the first bite of anything will taste the same as the last bight so what difference does it make if you end up with 10 or 20 bites? Does bite 20 or 30 taste any better? How about we strive to only eat the really good stuff and then focus on portion size and if you really need 30 bites, just take smaller bites.
I have been trying to do this and honestly haven't really strayed from it. I could care less if I ever eat fast food ever again. I only deserve the best, right? :)
242.4 and 108
My sugar was 108 this morning, pretty good. Got on the scale and it said 242.4, the lightest I have been in pretty darn close to 20 years. I have family members who have never seen me at this weight. Makes me happy. :)
My kitchen scale
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